Saturday, March 31, 2012

MDSModelDeploy.exe Login failed for user 'NT AUTHORITY\ANONYMOUS LOGON'.

I was trying to automate the creation and deployment of my MDS model and came across the following issue.

If you try to run the following powershell command

invoke-command -computername Servername -scriptblock {& 'C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\110\Master Data Services\Configuration\MDSModelDeploy.exe' createpackage -model TestModel  -package c:\Data\LocalBackup\TestModelackage.pkg -version VERSION_1 -service MDS2 -includedata}

you get the following error
Creating a package for model MTN
MDSModelDeploy operation failed. Elapsed time: 00:00:06.4551044
Login failed for user 'NT AUTHORITY\ANONYMOUS LOGON'.

I enabled trace on MDSModelDeploy

Error Log
MDS Information: 0 : Attempting to execute command: MDSModelDeploy createpackage -model TestModel -package c:\Data\LocalBackup\TestModelackage.pkg -version VERSION_1 -service MDS2 -includedata
MDS Error: 0 : Service started successfully,  Assembly version:, file version: 11.0.2100.60 ((SQL11_RTM).120210-1917 )
MDS Error: 0 : ApiContractVersion: 5102
MDS Start: 1 : Service.InitializeExpirationStatus
MDS Information: 0 : Evaluation period days remaining code: 0
MDS Stop: 2 : Service.InitializeExpirationStatus
MDS Start: 1 : Deployment: getting list of models
MDS Start: 1 :
                  Begin operation: ExecuteRequest
                  Host info:       Microsoft.MasterDataServices.Core.ExplicitHostContext
                  User Name:       Domain\username
                  Time:            03/31/2012 21:35:10
MDS Verbose: 0 : Request message:
<MetadataGetRequest xmlns="" xmlns:i="">
  <International i:nil="true" xmlns:a="" />
  <ResultOptions xmlns:a="">
  <SearchCriteria xmlns:a="">
    <a:AttributeGroups />
    <a:Attributes />
    <a:DerivedHierarchies />
    <a:DerivedHierarchyLevels />
    <a:Entities />
    <a:ExplicitHierarchies />
    <a:MemberTypes />
    <a:Models />
    <a:VersionFlags />
    <a:Versions />
MDS Start: 1 : RequestContext.InitializeRequestContext
MDS Start: 1 : RequestContext.InitializeDatabaseContext
MDS Stop: 2 :
                  End  operation: MetadataGet
                  Host info:       Microsoft.MasterDataServices.Core.ExplicitHostContext
                  User Name:       [Domain]\[Username]
                  Time:            03/31/2012 21:35:11
MDS Verbose: 0 : Response message:
<MetadataGetResponse xmlns="" xmlns:i="">
  <OperationResult xmlns:a="">
    <a:Errors />
  <Metadata xmlns:a="">
    <a:AttributeGroups />
    <a:Attributes />
    <a:DerivedHierarchies />
    <a:DerivedHierarchyLevels />
    <a:Entities />
    <a:ExplicitHierarchies />
    <a:MemberTypes />
    <a:Models />
    <a:VersionFlags />
    <a:Versions />
MDS Error: 0 :
MDS Error: 0 : MDSModelDeploy operation failed. Elapsed time: 00:00:09.1523012
MDS Error: 0 : Error:
MDS Error: 0 : System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException (0x80131904): Login failed for user 'NT AUTHORITY\ANONYMOUS LOGON'.
   at Microsoft.MasterDataServices.Core.DataAccess.DbHelper.ExecuteNonQueryHandlingTransportError(SqlCommand sqlCommand)
   at Microsoft.MasterDataServices.Core.DataAccess.DbHelper.GetTimeout(String settingName)
   at Microsoft.MasterDataServices.Core.DataAccess.DbHelper.SetConnection(String connectionString)
   at Microsoft.MasterDataServices.Core.BusinessEntities.RequestContext.InitializeDatabaseContext()
   at Microsoft.MasterDataServices.Core.BusinessEntities.RequestContext.InitializeRequestContext(HostContext hostContext)
   at Microsoft.MasterDataServices.Services.Service.MetadataGet(MetadataGetRequest request)
   at Microsoft.MasterDataServices.WebUI.ServiceAdapter.ExecuteRequest[TRequestType,TResponseType](MdmServiceOperation`2 operation, TRequestType request)
   at Microsoft.MasterDataServices.WebUI.ServiceAdapter.DoMetadataGet(MetadataSearchCriteria searchCriteria, MetadataResultOptions resultOptions)
   at Microsoft.MasterDataServices.Deployment.ModelReader.GetModels(Boolean isAdminOnly)
   at Microsoft.MasterDataServices.Deployment.Utility.ModelDeploy.CreatePackage(String serviceName, String packageFile, String modelName, String versionName, Boolean includeData)
   at Microsoft.MasterDataServices.Deployment.Utility.ModelDeploy.Main(String[] args)

After using reflector I managed to find the code that is causing the issue
private void InitializeRequestContext(HostContext hostContext)
    if (hostContext == null)
        throw new ArgumentNullException("hostContext");
    this.HostContext = hostContext;
Not sure if calling InitializeCurrentUser before InitializeDatabaseContext will fix the problem. As I didn’t have to time to decompile all the MDS code and try to get it to compile.

Work around
Is to set the connection string to sql login instead of Integrated Security
from        <add name="MDS2" connectionString="Data Source=servername;Initial Catalog=database;Integrated Security=True;Connect Timeout=60" />
to            <add name="MDS2" connectionString="Data Source=servername;Initial Catalog=database;User Id=sqlloginuser;Password=password;Connect Timeout=60" />

To test that winrm is working correctly run the following command
invoke-command -computername yourserver -scriptblock {& 'C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\110\Master Data Services\Configuration\MDSModelDeploy.exe' listservices}
MDS services (Service, Website, Virtual Path):
MDS1, Website1_DEV,
MDS2, Website2_DEV,

MDSModelDeploy operation completed successfully. Elapsed time: 00:00:06.7047133

1 comment:

  1. It is useful to learn how to set and reset a error.Thank you author for posting this kind of error.

    Both are really good.
